Monday, December 1, 2014

Meet Richard Brooke - A Respected SDI Entrepreneur With 38 Years Experience!!

I learned of Richard Brooke in 1979 - shortly after I was introduced to the Amway, SDI opportunity - when Richard Brooke was actively promoting the Oxyfresh SDI Opportunity. I have always respected his wisdom and leadership as an active SDI entrepreneur - with 38 years of experience in the SDI Profession.

I recently found this video clip titled: "Network Marketing: United We Stand" In the first half of the video "Network Marketing: United We Stand" Richard Brooke opens with a series of eye-opening, funny yet sobering interviews with people on the streets of Spokane, Washington. As you’ll see, we have some work to do on what people THINK and FEEL about what we as Network Marketers do.

In the second half of the video (starting at the 16 minute 32 second mark), Richard Brooke takes the stage at the Network Marketing Mastermind Event and shares how the future of Network Marketing is in our hands … the hands of company owners, executives and independent sales leaders. We can band together with shared vision and values and execute a quantum leap in our success. The future is our choice; it is in our hands, every one of us.

NOTE: "An Education You Can Take To The Bank" is an amazing article by Richard Brooke. Read the entire article not once, but twice, three times.... Near the end of the article Richard Brooke writes:

"Since the Network Marketing University does not yet exist, you can start your kids on this path by instilling the principles of Network Marketing early on. Create a vision for your own success and you will naturally model for them what is possible. Then mentor and encourage them to achieve their own greatness."

NOTE: Though I do not see a date on the article, obviously Richard Brooke authored this article before MNU (Marketing and Networking University) was birthed in November 2014. In fact, MNU executives might consider how MNU could take a leadership role in implementing some of the ideas that Richard Brooke discusses in his article "An Education You Can Take To The Bank."

Another great article by Richard Brooks is titled: "United We Stand, Divided We Fall: The Future of Network Marketing." The article begins like this ...

"The future of Network Marketing is in our hands … the hands of company owners, executives and independent sales leaders. We can band together with shared vision and values and execute a quantum leap in our success, or we can continue to operate with opposing visions and values and battle each other along the way. The future is our choice; it is in our hands, every one of us.

I have been a full-time Network Marketing leader since the concept saved my life in 1977. I used to cut chickens for Foster Farms. I intended on spending the rest of my working life there and would be retiring any year now. It is hard to imagine how my life, and the lives of many others, would have been different had I not been drawn into our magnificent industry.

And as much as I love it and appreciate its gifts, it has been a love-hate relationship. I have bled from both sides. I have been terminated without cause after building a group of 30,000 people. I have had sales leaders in my company—those we honored with magazine covers and on center stage—attempt to knock off our products, sue us, raid our sale force and still expect to be paid their “asset income.” 

We have spent millions on attorney fees to protect what we have built. Even with these challenges, I have seen Network Marketing work beautifully with loyal leaders who fought all the battles with us.

The history of our industry has been wild, fun, profitable and heartbreaking. We have grown 19 out of the last 20 years. And we could have done so much more. We could have avoided so much bad press; so many regulatory actions and so many dreams destroyed. We could have shifted the paradigm by now … the “tipping point” if you will. 

We could have been one of the dominant laws of wealth-building for individuals—equal to investing in equities, real estate and traditional small business ownership. We still can. And to do so, we need to shift our vision. We need to assess our values. We need to move from a belief of scarcity to a belief of infinite abundance. We need to tap our core values of contribution, respect, love, friendship, honor and integrity … and avoid our attachments to greed, recognition, dominance and control.

The franchising model in the U.S. is a valuable comparison. They started about the same time we did—50 to 60 years ago—with Kentucky Fried Chicken, Burger King and Dunkin’ Donuts. 

Unregulated and operating from a dysfunctional set of values, the franchising concept created its own share of train wrecks through the 70s. Federal regulation was the result … not something any of them, or any of us, would prefer. As a result of aligning their efforts over the years, today the franchising concept contributes close to one trillion dollars in revenues.

After the same amount of time, we only produce $30 billion. Franchises generate 33 times more business than Network Marketing. That’s 33 times more billion-dollar companies; 33 times more hundred-million-dollar companies; and 33 times more millionaire and multimillionaire entrepreneurs.

The way I see it, although franchising is an incredible business model it does not hold a candle to ours. At the very minimum, franchisors must risk tens of thousands of dollars, up to millions, and they must dive into their new business full time, risking everything they own. It is like buying a job with no guarantee of success. (snip) ....

NOTE: Read the complete article by clicking the link below:
"United We Stand, Divided We Fall: The Future of Network Marketing."

Richard Brooke's Website

Richard Brooke's Blog

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