Monday, January 21, 2013

Shifting to An Entrepreneurial Mind-Set

By Tom J. Kennedy

The twinning of the usuryfree time currency movement with the proven and popular, sales and marketing model referred to as the SDI (Self Directed Income) industry offers all who choose to participate a unique opportunity to initiate creative solutions to the pressing problems caused by our reliance on the usury-based, debt money system. Yes, our conventional economy is floundering and more and more people are asking questions and questioning the answers.

It is commonly said that every crisis breeds or initiates new opportunity. Certainly, the economic instability caused by the faltering and failing economic model of usury-based, debt money is forcing debtors to seek workable options.

Without a doubt, the entrepreneurial mind-set is becoming more and more popular with (a) unemployed youth (ages 20’s and early 30’s) and (b) with laid off employees or salaried workers (ages 40’s, 50's & 60's+).

People are being forced to shift their thinking and depend less and less on all levels of government and assume more personal responsibility for their present and future economic stability.

Indeed, by twinning workable concepts from the usuryfree time currency movement with proven marketing strategies perfected and relied upon by active SDI entrepreneurs, there is an opportunity to build “economic lifeboats” to recuse debtors adrift in a sea of confusion and debt.

During 2013, the Year of UsuryFree Living, we can expect the “Shift of 2012” to continue and expand as more and more debtors make a choice to re-educate themselves on refuting selfish entitlement and instant gratification while studying intensely economic issues that formal education neglects to teach.

I daresay that usuryfree creatives who double as SDI entrepreneurs (and vice versa) are uniquely positioned to climb up the stepladder to experience the reality of usuryfree living – especially when they learn how to barter/trade their products and/or services while accepting any usuryfree time currency for partial payment.

Twenty-thirteen will be a critical crossroads for the growth and expansion of both the usuryfree time currency movement and the SDI industry.

Bookmark these twin blogs (a) The UsuryFree Eye Opener and (b) The SDI Eye Opener, read and re-read any relevant articles and share them with others who are ready and willing to be re-educated.

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